Why is the 2:2 PORTAL extremely important in 2025? This is what you need to do on Sunday the 2nd of Feb, 2025
THE 2:2 PORTAL IS CONNECTED TO WHATS GOING TO TRANSPIRE IN MAY 2025 “THE ASCENSION MONTH” Now, let’s start from the present. Tomorrow, is...

Be BOLD! Go where few DARE TO GO....fear not the Psychic Attacks
YOU ARE THE "MIRACLE" WITHIN What holds you back? Fear and Comfort Zone! Let go of everything that is not in alignment with you. Be BOLD....

In this lifetime, and for the first time - You are "NOT GOING TO DIE"!
Have you paused at all to realize - in this lifetime YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DIE AT ALL? No more burials, no more cremations, no buying of buri

FIRST CONTACT readiness ... selection & training for the Event has begun ....
FIRST CONTACT is approaching. This is the first step, in the Final Shift procedure famously known on earth as THE EVENT, and is readying for