The best time for connecting closely with the energies of Sirius is
when the MOON is FULL
in the House of LEO
The Leo Full Moon
is the time for a
the PARANORMAL kind, with -
the Sirian Forces!
You must have read the 2nd Tablet - "The Voice of Silence" to remember and recollect humanity's connect with the Star System - SIRIUS! A lot of information is available as well on the website. Now. Moving into another realm of intel, Sirians play an important role in Grounding Information on earth for humanity to access which, otherwise is very difficult to obtain. Sirius accesses such advanced Intel from another star system known as Alpha Centauri. This is the closest Star System to earth whilst Sirius is the brightest Star System, located in the constellation of Canis Major. Now. Although Alpha Centauri is closest to earth, its vibration is so High that earth cannot directly contact or access it.
Interestingly, the Sirians engage highly sophisticated methods for accessing and downloading Higher Information by building energetic tunnels or pathways, between dimensions and thru the inner worlds, enabling therefore multidimensional astral travels. These Pathways are not however limited to Sirians but, anyone who can tap into the Sirian Energy can ingress into the Higher Planes of Existence and pick up advanced information and knowledge, far beyond the current level of comprehension.
Moreover, remember, Sirius is the last place the Soul visits before entering the dimension of earth. And, furthermore, if you have read the 2th Tablet, you know the astonishing Training the souls' underwent, and for how long, before they descended (this time over) into planet Gaia. Therefore, it is no happenstance, the serious nature of Connect with Sirius - that you all have! Its in your DNA, your Cellular Memory, and in your very Molecular Structure! So you maybe starseeds from Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda, Arcturus, Aldebaran, however, you have all been frequenting the Star System Sirius - the HQ of Light for God in the Milkyway Galaxy - the Great Central Sun! You have studied there, trained there, worshipped there, worked there! If, once again, you have read the Akashic Record Tablet number 2, you know what lies in Sirius! And. Who are the residents and races of Sirius. Therefore, we shall be not go into that now.
Moreover! Knowing the Councils, Lodges based in Sirius, you are aware of the famous 'Sirian Council' and the 'White Brotherhood of God, working for earth'. The latter is headed by Lord El Morya, Chohan of the 1st Ray (who has His Retreat just above Darjeeling in India) and this Brotherhood works for humanity on earth and its ascension out of the Blind Maze. It convenes in Sirius to discuss the evolution of the planet and its human race, with decisions to make positive changes on earth and bring into fruition the Victory of the Experiment. Lord Jesus, Logos of the planet Lord Buddha, the present Commander-In-Chief Saint Germain are all a part of the Brotherhood. Moreover, the Sirian Council convenes to ground the Higher Theoretical Intel into earth so that it can be employed for practical implementation. In this manner, the Sirian Masters serve as a Conduit for humanity on earth to access the Higher Dimensions for growth and ascension.
Now. And therefore, connecting with the SIRIAN ENERGY is so vital for all awakened beings on earth in order to ensure Ascension and Freedom. So how can one connect with this energy? Through meditation and decreeing (the 5th Tablet). And specially on dates such as the present Leonine Full Moon that serves as a PORTAL to travel into Sirius. Remember, when the Sun is in Leo, from end July to mid August, you have the LionsGateway Corridor with the 8:8 Portal at the peak, when Sirius opens wide its Pathway to earth, thins the veil, and allows/inspires a Deep Occult Experience of the Sirian Kind for all disposed toward it. The Constellation of Leo has no connect with Sirius but it is because of the Lion Being Race of Sirius that Leo comes into prominence on earth. Sun in Leo and Moon in Leo are the Portals of Sirius that represent Leonine Sirian Energy Gateways. Moreover, a Blue Ray 1 being is bound to have either his Sun or Moon in the sign of Leo. Furthermore, the qualities of the Lion truly embody a Blue bloodied being. If you have observed: Lord Shiva (the God-Aspect of the Blue Monad Ray1) is always presented in a Blue toned Body. Lion represents the qualities and attributes of a Sirian Being, that are quintessentially the innate traits of the Lion Beings of Sirius. This is all expounded in the 4th and 5th Tablets.
Thus, in conclusion: Sit in meditation, after you have finished the Incantations of the Decrees/Mantras/and Techniques (of the 33rd Degree Ascension) as provided in "The Blue Ray 1 Manual of Training" - the 5th Tablet, Contemplate on the SIRIAN ENERGY, Breathe slowly and deeply, and as your mind quietens you shall connect with Sirius and its High Dimensional transmissions. Take in all the radiation and enjoy basking in its mighty noble royal Integrity of Immaculate Perfection and Pristine Purity! Revel, in the luxury of its unmatched Beauty and Hypnotic Power of the SHIVASHAKTI and the WILL of GOD!
An additional note:
The FULL MOON in LEO (on Feb the 12th) IST 19:23
opens a
between this Full Moon and the next -
of March the 14th
which too is in Leo, at the onset, then travels into Virgo
....with no safety net....
spells DANGER
You could experience strange dreams, disturbed sleep, agitation, restlessness
(if you haven't already)
Ignore it, don't stress
Dwell only in the
Mysticism of Sirius
Furthermore, astrologically speaking - the planet on astro-watch is URANUS. It has stationed Direct in Taurus and shall square the Sun, under the magnified glare of the Leo Full Moon that would unstablize Uranus, making it volatile and quite erratic. A very tense astro alignment! Uranus is the Lord of Aquarius and the planet of the Blue Ray 1. Can you now see how its all playing out? Especially if you have your Moon in Leo along with Uranus. There is no telling with the "Uranian Lunation"! No idea what might emerge! It could serve as a Trigger of Conflict or, bring in much Welcoming Change. But those of you, with such alignments and astro-placements - expect the unexpected!
The Leonine Full Moon and Uranian Lunation would affect signs of Aries, Leo, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. Particularly, if your Uranus is in Leo, Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius. You shall encounter impactful and ministerial changes, chaotic disruptions and masterful liberations, sudden endings, radical shifts, unexpected turn of events (esp. financially), that could cause a 'break-free from present stagnation' and inspire you to 'Take a Leap of Faith' into the unknown - wow, phew! Uranus is known to be the RUDE AWAKNER!
You are now stepping into a
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Link to all 5 Tablets
Dearest Sangeeta, Having some issues with my hotmail account and just received this by going on The Temple Website. Previous to this: woke up at 3:36 am completely refreshed not sleepy or groggy! Looked out my window and said wow! Not going back to sleep for sure! Firstly, I could see (2) pairs of light beaming down from the moon; the streaming effect was active/alive and pulsating. Sometimes the light looks like its going both ways. I also could see a ring of blue outlining the moon. The moon keeps streaming this light for all to soak up; mostly white, but also golden. Then did the decree #1 and sat as long as I could (outside) and its freezing …
Thank you for this very interesting and enlightening article. I am a Gemini, and I am not making any claims as am not sure of my origins, but this did prompt me to recheck my moon sign, and it is indeed in Leo.