Now get ready for the explosive fateful Triple Conjunction on the night of July 31st and August 1st. MARS, RAHU (Karmic North Node), URANUS in ARIES with SATURN RETRO aspecting it and JUPITER RETRO in Pisces.

Avoid air travel from now till August, if you can. Once again you shall see the aerospace industry come in the attention. This is because of the prominence of Uranus. Last time Mars entered Aries, and joined its enemies Uranus and Rahu (June 27th) - several aircrafts crashed, were rerouted, and many died - all in one day. Uranus represents Aerospace.
The Triple Conjunction of Uranus, Rahu, Mars will occur at 23 degrees ARIES, with all 3 stelliums also occupying space in the same Nakshatra (Constellation) which is also one of Fire element. The last time this happened was in 324 BC. The exact triple conjunction will occur on the night of July 31 or August 1, and at this time the impact of their energies will reach a peak. The period of high intensity will last from July 25 to August 10. VERY DANGEROUS - TILL OCT 31st.
Every day its vibrations will increase the density and speed of events to maximum intensity until the end of the month, and maintain extreme tension throughout August. Uranus and Rahu Conjunction in Aries/Taurus occurs once every 168 years, rapidly rebooting the foundations of civilization through an acute crisis. For example, it was in 1855, the peak of the Industrial Revolution in Europe.
Uranus represents eccentricity, innovation but also represents Aerospace and the Aeroplane Industry. So the combination of Mars with fire, Uranus with aerospace element, added by the oil or fuel of Rahu did cause a lot of airplane accidents that day. However, all is not always bad in duality. This shall also lead to aerospace innovations and improvements eventually. And remember, Saturn too is aspecting Aries with all 3 stellium planets in it. Adding even more Fuel to the Fire situation. On 10th August, Mars shall move into taurus and on the 5th it shall change its Nakshatra…but that too is ruled by fire….and so the effect will not stop.
Uranus, a planet of sudden changes/sudden beginnings and sudden ends, carries the vibrations of change rebellionism liberation reform and revolution, and the unexpected destruction of existing structures. Mars is an explosive force involving wars conflicts protests aggression. And. The Northern Lunar Node Rahu is a destabilizing shadow that calls for expansion, forcing a return to Spirituality.
In conclusion it wld be safe to say: The Triple Conjunction of Mars, Uranus and Rahu indicates that we have now entered a "NEW PHASE OF KALIYUGA DESTRUCTION" of the old way of life and the introduction of a new one through a complete reboot of the globe order.
Over the past hundred and fifty years, the ruling elite of the Darks has completely distorted and made insipid many positive ideas, achievements and aspirations of that time. Today, despite all efforts, they can no longer block the cosmic energies of new laws and boundaries, free will and choice freedom, creativity based on the principles of the Aquarian era. an acute explosive crisis that will shake the entire global geopolitical, financial and economic system to the ground.
Tonight ushers in Amavasya from 9:12 pm (27th July) till 11:20 pm on 28th August. Followed by the emergence of the New Moon.
The combination of energies of the New Moon (on July 28 at 17:55 UTC at 6 degrees Leo) and the active phase of the Triple Conjunction of stelliums will give a powerful impetus to the next 168 - year Evolutionary Cycle for the whole world!

And - don't forget, all this is occurring within the LION'S GATEWAY of SIRIUS (till August 12th) and the PORTAL OPENING on the 8th. This is of great significance! Look at the photo above - what do you see? 3 Pyramids receiving Light from Above - THE TRIPLE CONJUNCTION occurring in this period - 3 Pyramids and 3 stelliums of MARS URANUS RAHU. Get it? Great Divine RESET!

(effect of the RESET)
Much more to come in the month of August - a large fixed Triple Cross with Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Rahu on August 3-18. Shall explain nearer to time. Stay tuned! Make sure you are subscribed here.
Dear Sangeeta,
I have now finished reading THE AMETHYST TABLET in full for the second time and I once again was brought to tears whilst approaching the final comments from ALL. What has resonated this time 'round is the profound LOVE that flows out of you and through you whilst scribing these most moving inspirational deep and witty yes wit! Who would have thought the GOD's have a sense of humour! My encyclopedia absolutely. The power perseverance and courage that literally the words and prose jump off of the page over and over again and again. I found each tablet powerful indeed. THE EMERALD TABLET: ahhh where may I start on this one. This too has been read severa…