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FIRST CONTACT readiness ... selection & training for the Event has begun ....

Writer's picture: Sangeeta HandaSangeeta Handa

Namaste to all our Patrons! FIRST CONTACT is approaching. This is the first step, in the Final Shift procedure famously known on earth as THE EVENT, and is readying for launch in 2025. Month has been revealed but shall nay be publically declared. It shall begin, primarily, with the Galactic Federation star systems who shall pave the way for the Ultra-Terrestrials (from the Ascended Master Octave) to unveil Their Presence thereafter.

Now! There is a requirement for a 'Preliminary' readiness on part of the Plasma Tribe on earth. This light warrior clan on earth entered the planet, this time over, for this particular mission - "To actively participate in the Final Shift"!

Now that time has arrived!

Although 144,000 souls are present on earth for the Shift's final process, all haven't awakened. Many spiritual platforms were established to resurrect the lightbeings in readiness for this Event such as - this graduation TEMPLE OF GOD'S WILL POWER PROTECTION. Stage by stage, you were introduced to all you needed to know, unlearn, re-learn, remember, and uplift the basic frequency to the "God Frequency", for the occasion. The final graduation is thru the launch of - "The Training Manual - The Secret Sacred Etheric Masonic Scroll". However, there are some individuals not permitted to purchase the last (5th) Tablet and money, consequently, was refunded. The 5th Tablet is the last Holy Scripture and, shall NOT be misused at any cost! This Tablet is required to lift you, the adept, to the highest level you need to reach in readiness for the Preliminary Process. Keep doing the work!

Now. You have entered the final month of the Octagon year of extreme transmutation and resurrection. Herein, the Preparation subsequently begins as, 2025 could well be the year of the FIRST CONTACT and mighty VISITATIONS - the start of THE EVENT. The current 2024 = 8 year successfully ended the darkest era on earth - the KALYUG. Biggest achievement for humanity and specifically for the 10+ % who led humanity to the Critical Mass Awakening percentage, from where, the chain-effect triggered and led you all to this mega beginning of THE EVENT. (Pls ensure you have read the previous article)

COBRA (yesterday declared the following Cosmic Intel)

"During the Portal of Preparedness, the Light forces will begin to reawaken the surface Lightworkers back into their connection with their Star origins after many decades of sleep since the Great forgetting of 1996.
The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event, some of them being scheduled to be contacted physically around the time of the Event."

These two paragraphs are of the utmost importance for you!

Firstly, re-installation of the Sim Card (memory) shall occur. You shall be nudged into recalling your "Light Lineage". From which constellation, nakshatra, star-system, did you organically descend? From where were you seeded? Are you from Pleiades, Venus, Orion, Arcturus, Andromeda, Aldebaran, Lyra....? You are a Star-Seed from which parent planetary construct? What is your Monadic BluePrint? What was your Mastery before descending upon earth? Where did you qualify from? ..... shall begin to unveil slowly....

Second step. Between now and end January you, certain lightbeings/light warriors, shall be selected to work with the Ultra and Extra Terrestrials and the Ashtar Command to unveil the Truth on earth, reveal the Cabal and all hidden agenda, make arrests, command retribution, declare the Process of THE EVENT and then, thereafter, get down to assist in the execution of the Evacuation of Planet, subsequent however to - preparation for the Solar Flash first. For all such actions you need to be trained, first and foremost. This shall commence after you have been selected. For this purpose the 5th Tablet was launched in such a hurry (within 3 days), a few months ago. Now do you understand the potency of this last Tablet? For those who have been engaging it, with passion and fervour, would have realized the Gold Jewel they have in their possession! Is this the KEY to attain the selection, depending upon one's disposition and application?

And yes, remain open without expectation to receive Personal One-to-One Contact from the Ultra and Extra-Terrestrials too!

Have you been feeling - You have been sitting in

'The Waiting Room'

... since time eternal ?

YOU are one's!

Time has


Soon the door of The Waiting Room shall open....

Thank you for your patience



It's been a Long Long Wait....indeed!



Please leave your comments below, with your name please. Thank you. Namaste!

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Dec 13, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Dear Sangeeta and The Temple: have been studying this 'First Contact' image at the very top of the post. There are two humans present in this photo! And one being (on the left) is looking at the two humans! Is this messaging us all that contact is already here? Curious to know if anyone else sees this. Blessings, MJ


Dec 03, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Dear Sangeeta

Indeed ! Waiting is over.... I am in tears reading your post.. tears of joy .. ready to walk towards final steps... feels complete...

Sangeeta Handa
Dec 03, 2024
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Hello Guest, thank you for commenting. And yes, I too felt tears swell up on knowing about this...the Finale is in sight finally and we are so ready to finish our missions and be freed! Do mention your name 🙏 please. God Bless. 💛💙💜🤍


Dec 02, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Dearest Sangeeta, Yes! Indeed it feels exactly like sitting in a waiting room! As I was reading this post, I thought just that very thing; then appeared subsequetly in the post. Such a journey with twists and turns and out right knee buckling blows. I remember back.....when you Scribed the 5th Tablet would not be made available because of the misuse of the previous (4th I beleive) Was deeply sad to read that post. Then alas! it came swift powerful and fast just like a Jaguar big cat running gaining speed momentum! I thank God and The Temple every day for this most precious 'gold jewel'! Always in awe of its potence! Truly the most precious gift as you Sang…

Dec 02, 2024
Replying to

Incredible! Thankyou so much for sharing! (Also my birth date = 1) 😊 What a huge blessing you are Sangeeta, I Bless God every day for the divine very grateful for the loving extended offer. 💙💜


Dec 02, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Yes, it will be! Love and Light!❤️

Created by
Sangeeta Handa  Umesh Shah

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