This is the year of the 888
The Lion's Gateway Portal Opening
on the 8th of August
The Lions Gateway opened on July 26th and now we have the PORTAL OF 888 OPENING. You are all educated on "The Great Central Sun", the headquarters of God's Light, based in the Inner Planes of the star system of Sirius, that hosts a number of advanced institutions of higher learning along with 'The Blue Lodge of God's Zero-Point Light', 'The Temple of Illumination', 'The White Lodge' and 'The Seat of the Higher Lords of Karma'.
In these elevated establishments, Higher Knowledge and Spiritual Technology from many universes are disseminated.Furthermore, Sirius is where many Spiritual Councils and authorities convene to discuss the many missions and concerns that affect all within this galaxy. The Great White Brotherhood, for example, is a spiritual organization that is said to convene at Sirius. This group is dedicated to the spiritual evolution of humanity and works to bring about positive change on Earth.
The Sirians play a crucial role in grounding 'Advanced Information' on our planet that would otherwise be difficult to access. Sirians are beings from the star system Sirius, which is located in the constellation Canis Major and the information they possess comes from star systems such as Alpha Centauri, which is so high in vibration that, contact with earth becomes challenging!
The Sirians play an important role in these Councils, as they are able to 'ground the theoretical knowledge' discussed into practical applications that can be implemented on earth. They serve as a conduit between the higher dimensions and the physical realm, making it easier for earth beings to access the wisdom of the universe.
Now, on the 888 Portal, every 9 years, the "Highest Packets of Light Information" are streamed onto earth and into humanity from 'The Great Central Sun'. Herein, "The Blue Lodge" comes into highlight as the Virtues, the Qualities, of the BLUE RAY 1are relayed into the galaxy - never directly though but thru the hierarchy you are by now quite familiar with, for all readers of the Tablets on the website. So we need not elaborate the basics here.

This is normally a Portal of the LION CONSCIOUSNESS as it is the Lion's Gateway from Sirius to Earth and so the Lion Consciousness, which embodies the characteristics of the Blue Ray 1, is dispersed throughout the galaxy. However!
2024 is an unusual 888 year as the LION CONSCIOUSNESS is now being accompanied by the DRAGON CONSCIOUSNESS! The Dragon Ley Lines have already been activated on earth, in the month of July, across the Asian continent from Tibet down thru Thailand to Malaysia. And now the entire planet and humanity is ready to receive the DRAGON ENERGY.

Now. Just as you have the Lion Beings in Sirius, you have as well the Dragon Beings - and together they are contributing in anchoring the Golden Age of SatYug upon earth. These magnificent Dragons work in these academies of light, and carry the Keys and Codes of the Spiritual Technology of the future in their energy fields. Their mission is to spread this to all those who are ready, to help bring in the new Golden Age. These Dragons are cosmic travelers and help mankind to move through dimensions. In addition, they will guide and protect you on your inter-dimensional journeys between earth and other parts of the universe, especially if you aspire to be an InterGalactic Master.
Dragon Energy is one of the oldest energies in our sub universe and is a powerful Supernatural Force to work with. It symbolizes Power, Change, Abundance, Good Fortune, Wisdom, Strength, Hidden Knowledge, Protection and Royalty. It is a number 8 vibration, just as the Lion Consciousness. It is however a denser and heavier energy but ironically, it is ungrounding and therefore can make you feel woozy, dizzy, faint. Consequently, in this period please ground yourself emphatically. Moreover, you can feel their presence thru Clairaudience. You will hear this energy more than just feel it.
Now. Dragon Energy is capable of sealing power and stripping the environment of all negativity (especially the Lurker Energy).
Herein, it is very important to understand that -
(just as the Lion's Gateway opened)
Now, removal of the Lurker Energy from humans is occurring from the physical and non-physical bodies - the energy body, the emotional body, the mental body, and the corporeal bioshell body. August and September months shall be witness to the strongest onslaught of Exorcism of the entire Human Race. As our previous article explained: (elaborated by Cobra) 99% of normal humans are infected by the contagion of the Lurker Energy and 89% is the affectation on the Light Beings on earth. This must all be cleared by November. So when (and as) this Purge of Exorcism gathers density people are going to manifest voluminous degrees of stress and behavioural change.
On the physical plane, these will manifest as physical illness. On the etheric plane, these will manifest as lack of energy, or tiredness, On the emotional plane, these will manifest as negative emotions, or madness. On the mental plane, these will manifest as worries, doubts, and in the worst case, these will manifest as mental illness. So be alert to the changes in self and in others around you as the general population might react with extreme craziness. Keep away from people's vomit. Do not get re-entangled again. This is all about Disentanglement. Steer clear of other people's drama. As with this process, people can really get crazy. Do not try to treat such people, if it does not work. Just stay away from those people. It is like mental illness. If you approach them too much, you will get affected. And unfortunately, most people, even light workers, get affected to a certain degree. But light workers can at least understand the process and manage the effect to the minimum. No fighting - for Light Beings (as already elaborated in the earlier article).
Remedy is :
Joy, Discernment, Common Sense, and Physical Care.
By next week, the Removal Process of EXORCISM shall get even stronger and more aggressive. The advanced technology employed for the Exorcism shall "enforce the Exorcism". No one will be spared! This EXORCISM OF THE HUMAN RACE is Mandatory for the Tilt to eventuate! It shall bring up everyone's unresolved karma and lessons unlearned, to the surface and face-to-face. So please engage the VIOLET FIRE of PURIFICATION to burn away all karma, as and when it surfaces! And surface it shall, like a deluge and cloud burst! The Emptying Process is something all must go thru in readiness for the Tilt. Engage as well the DRAGON ENERGY. For the Kundalini to rise above all the chakras, it must be propelled by the Fire of Purification. Your engagement with the Violet Fire, the Blue Fire (please ensure you have in possession "The 5th Tablet: THE BLUE RAY 1 INCANTATIONS" for Chanting (link provided below)), the Lion Energy as well as the Dragon Fire, shall propel the Kundalini or Goddess Energy to rise. It is the Goddess Energy of Durga Ma (the 5th Tablet Mantras) that has made possible the anchoring of the Dragon Energy on earth. Whilst the Kundalini Energy is Goddess, the Dragon Energy is masculine and action-oriented. And, action is needed for the Planetary Exorcism to be implemented and victorious.
The Saving Factor for all humanity now is through
There is not other means for survival!
Furthermore and lastly - the Dark Lodge is on Red Alert. They know, the EXORCISM has begun...and as it began, Trump was targeted for assassination. The Light shifted his head just in time to avoid the fatal extermination. Therefore, so must you all be on Red Alert! A Special Warning is sounded for months of September to November 19th when Pluto returns temporarily to Capricorn (thru a retrograde) before permanently transitioning to Aquarius by the end of 2024. September 2nd is the precise date when Pluto shall shift house and this was the date when WW2 broke out and, once again, the Dark is aiming for the same date - for another widespread planetary war. This coincides in perfect sync with the Grand Exorcism of the Planet and the human race when the masses are expected to go crazy. And the Dark is taking advantage of this fall-out of the Purge to release its bomb amidst the mayhem to achieve maximum success.
You can stop this!
Radiate the WILL
Expand the LIGHT
Extend the LOVE!

Only the strongest
and most evolved states of consciousness
were chosen to come and assist with earth's Ascension Process
they would be able to hold the LIGHT
in the face of negative appearances
they knew would unfold!
ONE with GOD
your Soul is closer than your breath!
(3rd Tablet: "The Amethyst Tablet")
you need to be, in order to Ascend out of the Blind Maze...forever!
THE AMETHYST TABLET: https://www.sangeetahanda.net/book-amethyst

holding the
of GOD

Meditate at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm
on the 8th of August
The 8888:8888

Dear Sangeeta, finally settled in California for a visit. This post is so very informative, supportive and inspiring! Entwined within is the ever present and fluidity of the chaos destruction cleansing and rebirth eventual for this next phase. Eloquently written with dynamic prose and stunning imagery. I LOVE this Lion Being!!!! You are a true crusader of the most extraordinary kind! "August and September shall be witness to the strongest Exorcism on the Planet for the human race...." I have a question: when does the Lion's Gate portal close? Is it September 4th? If so, how does this maintain and continue the exorcism? Is it possible to do this for the entire human race? What if, (always thought this…
SO Terrifically exciting! Must read several times my dear Sangeeta before commenting. Just wanted to give a first check in! Blessings, MJ