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MIRACLES happen when you hit Rock Bottom

Writer's picture: Sangeeta HandaSangeeta Handa

Few days ago I asked God Source about some distraught condition in my life and was told: "Allow it to Hit Rock Bottom!: I was dumbfounded and inquired : Why God, why? Cant it be granted now? Cannot the situation be corrected before being obliterated? To which I was unarguably told: "Miracle is what you need and, Miracles occur only from the Rock Bottom." That's it.

I studied deeply this Godly Comment to fully grasp its complete and wholesome understanding - not just the crux of it, or its essence.

Why does a Miracle need to occur from the rock-bottom? Rock bottom implies when all is lost - when there is nothing more you can do - when no action of self can salvage the situation - or, when nothing you do can make the thing move, or get an event to occur - total immobility - Zero! Nothing.

Then, from that level of the Zero (remember zero is emptiness, nothing (ness)) only God can save you. And How? By performing, what we call The MIRACLE!

Definition of MIRACLE:

An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. An extraordinary event taken as a sign of the supernatural power of God.

Now, there is one extreme of the pendulum which is Rock Bottom and at the other end lies the Peak. Keeping this in mind - furthermore, you are regularly bombarded with the advise to LET GO & FORGET. Both are given hand-n-glove.


WHEN AT THE BOTTOM: you LET - GO of all!

Now you see, why the two advise are always rendered together? FORGIVE and LET - GO!

When at the TOP, its so convenient to FORGET anything you don't have time for. You forget people who helped you along the way, you forget what led you to the PeaK, you forget to be Grateful! You Forget to even Thank God, sincerely, taking time to do so properly and with meaning. You overlook to thank people. You forget to introspect when having reached the Peak. Introspection makes you Humble, illumined and connects you with God. You Forget to retrospect. Retrospection makes you understand all that it took to reach the place of glory. Retrospection gives you grace and gratitude. And the attitude of gratitude makes you Noble, Dignified, Respectful, Loving, Humble, Illumined, Graceful and Royal. Reaching the Peak is the journey where all the lessons are learned, and the momentum occurs.

However. Reaching the Peak makes most arrogant instead! You become lost in the illusion of self worth and all the BS attached to one's self. Here you are holding onto all of the false glamour and false glory of self. This is Pride and that's, when the Fall begins!

Now. When all is lost and gone - you have reached ROCK BOTTOM. There is nothing left to hold onto. Not even your self! In fact, herein, the self evaporates first. This is the place where you begin to LET GO (and for once, its easy to do so). You hold onto things when its hard to give up! But when you have nothing, Letting Go is more like being on autopilot. lETTING gO becomes automatic.

That's when you reach out to God, you pray .... and Pray now to God only! But, this is the most dicey part. As here you can learn to lean on God, by developing Absolutes Faith or, you can also lose faith completely and become depressed and vulnerable to the Dark Forces that who then make the rock bottom seem like sinking sands.

Now, when all is burnt and all becomes ashes and ambers ... the Phoenix rises - and that is a Manifestation of a MIRACLE. AN EXTRAORDINARY SUPERNATURAL PROVIDENCE BY GOD! When nothing can create the event and yet, all of a sudden, it mysteriously appears from thin air, it is then from GOD and - that's The Miracle of God!

And this is what God meant, when He said to me: "Miracle is what you need and, Miracles occur only from the Rock Bottom."


occur from



Nothing(ness) and Empty(ness)



at Rock Bottom

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Nov 14, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Dear Sangeeta , hope you are well! Your messages resonate so much with what I’m experiencing. Thank you for your virtual support currently at rock bottom and expecting a Miracle with AOG 🙏🙏

Sangeeta Handa
Sangeeta Handa
Nov 14, 2023
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May I know your name pls?


Sep 29, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you beloved. Totally have gotten this message a few times. The last big one was as I sat paralyzed with fear on the side of the bed and said "Oh God, what am I going to do?" The voice came, "Feel the fear, experience all that it is. And then let go. All will be well." Then a sense of peace came upon me. The fear left. I knew not how, but it was all in God's hands. And a miracle occurred. My how I love God and all those amazing Angels and Guides that have led me through this life. I am so blessed by you.

Sangeeta Handa
Sangeeta Handa
Sep 30, 2023
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Wonderful knowing abt your Miracle and God Speaking to you! Yes, God answers and its just our obeisance thats needed for His answer to come into fruition. But wld very much like to know who I am communicating with and who wrote this lovely comment? Im not that psychic yet to guess 😊


Sep 29, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This is so beautifully put. Can't even begin to explain how this resonates with me so much right now. Rock Bottom and Miracles is something I have been experiencing lately as I attempt to achieve a goal that is so logically and humanly impossible which sometimes forces me into that state of rock bottom from time to time where Humility, Faith and Prayer is all I can hold on to. And here you are to explain it so poetically. Thank U! ❤️

Sangeeta Handa
Sangeeta Handa
Sep 30, 2023
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Miss Anonymous (I feel its a lady and perhaps single, but not that psychic as yet so pls mention your lovely name), God helps those who help themselves. When we reach Rock Bottom trying to help ourself, God enters. As He explained to me, He enters at that space to manifest His Miracle. Because by then we are deserving of it. Never give up on Faith, nor or self-help! Love to miss anonymous :-) 💛


Sangeeta Handa
Sangeeta Handa
Sep 29, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

When its written as "ABSOLUTES" (pronounced as absolutetess) it means the non dual Faith. ABSOLUTES mean Godly. Just to make clear in case anyone interprets it as a typo error.


Sep 29, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Dear Sangeeta,

Blessings to you for sharing. As always you ring crystal clear with Truth. May we all let go and have absolute faith in God. 🎈💜MJ

Created by
Sangeeta Handa  Umesh Shah

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