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The December Solstice of 2022 is a "10 year ANNIVERSARY" since 2012, Dec 21st

Writer: Sangeeta HandaSangeeta Handa

Two major events are occuring on Dec 21/22nd 2022

First, is the SOLSTICE! This year marks a 10 year Anniversary since the famous and most dreaded Solstice of Dec 21/22nd, 2012. The world didn't end, as the Mayan Calendar did - instead, it kick-started the GREATEST SHIFT on earth. Earth didn't end but its Graduation began! In the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, earth was granted Survival, its extinction was terminated. And thereafter, in 2012 Gaia's upgrade commenced full throttle as the entire Universe submerged into the phenomenon called the Great Shift.

Therefore, lets begin with a CONGRATULATION & CELEBRATION this Solstice! You have all survived, along with Gaia, and are enduring well the mighty belligerent changes of body and mind as the pleroma continues to blast its Plasma upon all on earth. Not an easy challenge to manage! And so - go celebrate this auspicious day with a joyful and playful disposition! You deserve this victorious moment in history indeed!

Timing of Solstice

(IST - please convert to your time zone)

IST: December 22nd Thursday

03:18 AM

(Wednesday night)

Solstice occurs at a "0 degree"of Balance when, the Sun comes to a stand-still ... between the dark and the light, between the dying of the old and the exploding of the new . Solstice is a "Universal Pause" when everything becomes a ZERO. At the Zero-Point, nothing can survive in imbalance. All balance must be attended or it would be felt very intensely. It has a mirror effect. If you hold number 12 before the mirror, it reflects back as 21.

Yes, Solstice energy is the Zero-Point Energy of the Blue Fire of the Blue Sapphire Ray 1. When you connect to the 12:21 (or as the Americans write this as 21:12) Solstice, you are suspended in total immobility and the absolute silence of all universal balance of the Circle (of life) or Zero - shuniya (in Sanskrit). Mediate at this exact time (a little before and after) to experience the moment of stillness, emptiness, nothingness - in which lies the everything, the fullness, the completion and - the OM! At this moment of time, you become Timeless - the MahaKaal - Shiva! You experience completeness of the point of ZERO - all separation dissipates, all duality dissolves, and the yin and yang get married and become One. You, become Androgynous.

Finally, you shall all return to Androgyny!

It is the true nature of your beingness!

Inhabitants of earth shall transform into this aspect for Ascension.

And when this happens - it shall be a monumental Graduation of my original design for man indeed!

~~~ The Amethyst Tablet~~~

Message from God (pg 326)

Solstice is consequently a point of RESET - reset of all energies back to its Balanced State of Oneness.

Right now you are suspended in a Corridor of 2 Portals. First portal opened on the sacred date of 12:12 leading upto the 21:12 Portal Opening. Herein, any activity (of mind emotions deeds words) vested by man shall bear a ripple-effect right across the 5th dimension of the mental activity realm - the quantum field of infinite possibilities with never-ending probabilities. Therefore, be alert and conscious of all your senses as they shall bear consequences not just here but right upto your transition into the 5th dimension.

2012, 21st/22nd Dec, ushered in the deadliest Descent of Kali Yuga and, heralded the Ascent of Cosmic Ascension thru the Greatest Shift of all times. At that point, earth travelled deep into the rung of the Photon Belt from where, there could no longer be a return to the earlier, normal way, of living! Everything changed thereupon, irreversibly and irretrievably! Pls refer to "THE BLUE SAPPHIRE TABLET of the BLUE RAY 1" for the most fascinating elucidation on this by Lord Shiva - Himself.

There comes a time when nothing is meaningful


surrendering to God

As all has been, and always is,

an Inside - Out projection

of the


of GOD

"The Mother/ Father God through the Great Central Sun pours the Elixirs of the Heavens down upon our people and the sacred lands, all in preparation for this most powerful Solstice on December 21st/22nd. The Celestial Portal of Heaven opens, and the "Sacred Manna" flows freely into the hearts and minds of our Ground Crew Earth Angelics of the 144."

~~~Paul White Gold Eagle


Coming to the Second Event of Dec 21st / 22nd, 2022

From a certain source I have received information that, on Dec 22nd at 5:18 AM, Indian Std Time, (pls notice the solstice portal opening is at 3:18 AM IST and exactly 2 hours thereafter...) there is an Event scheduled in the Subtle Plane for a Cosmic Duel between the Light Forces and the Dark. The energies of which have already begun their descent upon earth and many earth beings, who are conduits of light as Light Holders, would or may feel the impact. They are indirect participants in this Event (from a remote level) thru their bodies. Do tune in at this time if you wish to offer support to the ethereal Light Beings fighting the Duel. So, convert the time to your time zone pls. Incase you do feel strange sensations in the body - like unusual and excessive pain - it could be coz of this. For most Frequency/Light Holders, their bodies have been sacrificed at the Altar of this Great Shift - thats their mission and contracted Covenant for being granted the seat on earth at this time. It is the belief of the source that Lucifer has submitted to the Light and shifted back to the Light, in a Duel that was fought some time ago however, I am not aware of this change of heart at all. In fact, quite to the contrary! Notwithstanding, such information is very very difficult to obtain and even if one does, because of duality of the Blind Maze, one can not be certain of its authenticity. And as of what I Am privy to, Truth is revealed on a 'need-to-know' basis esp, if its on such a delicate matter of great cosmic significance. Please do not ask me about this source as I do not intend to publicize this information. What was revealed to me, was/is for my purpose however, I have taken permission to share just this much with you - the FREQUENCY LIGHT HOLDERS - in case you experience any unusual encounters in this corridor and Portal Opening. If you do, feel free to share with the Temple of God's Will Power Protection thru the email.


"The Winter Solstice is a Doorway for ghosts and spirits. It’s the second most "haunted time" of the Celtic year. From the 6th to the 20th (of Dec) there is a lot of Spirit Activity. This begins to amp up during the Solstice and the next few days after. That (also) means your loved ones, ancestors and spirit guides are here with you in the physical right now. Expect to see, sense, or to feel them a little extra right now. Expect to receive messages and even gifts from them."

~~~ Ra James


Link to all the Tablets






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Dec 19, 2022

Dear Sangeeta,

I saw your post yesterday Dec 18th whilst I was working on my computer and boy oh boy! I wish I had opened it up right away! I am writing now that I have read your beautiful message which is so kind and thoughtful. Always thinking, preparing and honouring your purpose for being here at what is the most epoch fantastic super duper time on our beautiful planet. How utterly exciting! Thank you again and again for your messages that are so genuine and complete. The anticipation is great......but as Buddha noted above: slow down calm down and surrender to God. Bless you Sangeeta.....have a wonderful magical day. Mary-Jane 💝

Sangeeta Handa
Sangeeta Handa
Dec 19, 2022
Replying to

Our dearest Mary-Jane! Humbled by your loving expressions of appreciation and gratefulness! God Blesses you! Thank you very much, with Love and Humility....SH

Created by
Sangeeta Handa  Umesh Shah

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